I recently started overhauling the nfgphoto.com gallery, and I went back as early as 2010 for images to show off. The very first one worth sharing comes from April 2010, when I shot with Hannah and Anna, two amazing people who I’ve had the pleasure of shooting many times since.

It was one of those perfect moments. The sun was starting but I had my own light set up as well, back when I was shooting with terribly inaccurate remotes that had to be adjusted manually, not remotely.

The girls had the idea, and I said “Look left” and magic happened.

Here’s the original compared to a re-done treatment using my current software, skills and tastes. The new version is lighter (my preference) and has a lot more detail, especially in the hair, thanks to better software. There are other little tweaks too, which I would expect after 10 years of progress since the photo was taken.

But it’s still a great image of two excellent people, and I’m really proud of it (and them).

Before imageAfter image

Here is the new edit in a larger format: