Glitter is cool.

I won’t be buying any more of the stuff because we just don’t need any more plastic in our environment, but it can look totally amazing.

This session with Miss Remy might not be the most impressive use of glitter. Glitter is hard. It’s hard to apply evenly, and even harder to adjust if you get it wrong. Most of the time it just looks like sand.

Or maybe it’s grey spraypaint. It’s a bit shimmery, sometimes, but when I think glitter I think explosive miasma of sparkles! more than I think mm, grainy.

And, if I’m being honest with myself, these images are great because Miss Remy is beautiful. It’s got very little to do with the glitter.

Glitter is bad for the world. I’m a bit sad I may never get to figure out how to shoot glitter, but I’m very happy I shot with Miss Remy. ^_^

Also, check out the mix of logos: the old red square logo, and the short-lived NFG-with-star.

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