Naomi’s one of my favourite models to run experiments on. Whenever I’ve got something new to try she’s at the top of my list of people to invite. What this means, though, is that she has more than her share of bad photos. Sometimes… Usually in fact, the lighting doesn’t work out. No amount of processing can save the images later, and Naomi gets little for her participation.

But this session worked out.

I’m not completely satisfied with the lighting on the pole shots. I’ve got some progress to make here, but Naomi elevates my images from passable to excellent. =)

You may notice that her eyes appear to be closed. She was utterly exhausted before she arrived at the studio, and she was more or less running on autopilot. It blows my mind that this is her literally half asleep level of capability. She told me later that this session more or less confirmed to her that she could train in her sleep if she had to.

See this post for Before & After of the image below:

And then we switched to some photos in a very lovely dress she brought. At first, we tried the same lighting…

And then we got rid of the pole…

And then I thought that dress would look amazing if the light shined through it, so I set everything up differently for the last set. These images please me greatly. ^_^

I love how this dress looks like flowing water.

The photo below has an interesting history. Click here to read it.